'Tis the Season

…to be exhausted and ready for a break.

And I wish you all a warm, loving, restorative,

healthy one.

I also wish this: That you will share this blog with your teacher friends and colleagues and encourage them to click on this link, fill in the boxes, and receive the blog posts themselves.

If you read the posts and find them helpful, I bet there are a few other people you know who might feel the same way.

They might like to be challenged. Or comforted. Or psycho-educated. Or informed. Or just plain entertained.

Can you think of one teacher colleague right now? Can you think of five?


there’s another reason for my request to increase subscriptions to Teaching through Emotions:

I am preparing to launch a podcast early next year.

It’s called

Teachers’ Lounge.

The podcast will tell true stories about teachers who turned knotty classroom problems into (miraculous) teaching successes by tuning their relationships psychodynamically.

All teachers will recognize the knotty problems. Most will be surprised at the solutions. All, I hope, will enjoy the storytelling! I have a helluva lot of fun doing it.

It’s the subscribers to this blog who will be the first to hear when the podcast launches. So spread the news!

And the cheer!

Thank you for your help and support.

Betsy BurrisComment